All first time players are required to make a 50% non-refundable deposit.
In Person
My tribute is very much in line with what Dommes with My experience level and geographical location are asking. I do not have a fixed number as….
Specialty Requests
Some session activities may involve heavy preparation (you know who you are…) in which case an additional tribute may occur.
Social Time
You pay Me for My time so the tribute remains the same. If you would like to combine this with play, I may lower the tribute at My own discretion.
Behavior Modification Program
$2,500 per month
Includes in-person training, complete control over your physical fitness and food intake, along with several personalized challenges.
Deposits and monetary gifts
ALL new players are required to make a non-refundable deposit through either Venmo, CashApp, or PayPal. Request your preferred option on my contact form.